What's In A Name...

The origin of the ministry's name

The name Gilead is found in a few different places in the Bible. Our usage finds it's source in Jeremiah 8:21-22 - "Since my people are crushed, I am crushed; I mourn, and horror grips me. Is there no balm in Gilead? Is there no physician there? Why then is there no healing for the wound of my people?"


Gilead was a mountainous region in the middle east that laid east of Jordan and is known for it's geological formation of underlying sandstone. The mountainous area reaches elevations of 1,000 ft. above the Mediterranean.


Above this bed of sandstone, lies the hard, impervious dolomite limestone which rises about 1,500 ft. above the sandstone and forming the bed of the copious springs. The water from the surface of the of the plateau, bursts out of the hill slopes feeding its perennial brooks.


It was from the ruggedness of this hard limestone that Gilead obtained its name. The hill slopes abound in streams and springs; and for this reason Gilead is a fertile country known for its vegetation which had many uses in the everyday life of its inhabitants.


One of the more infamous products this lush region was known for was it's "balm", that was made from the plants. Thus the phrase "balm of Gilead'. The balm had medicinal uses and was much like what you and I think of when we hear about aloe vera products, due to its healing properties, this balm was bartered and sold as a means of income.

This fertile area surrounded by a mountainous region is descriptive of people who have cancer, a life of ups and downs, physically, emotionally and spiritually. Gilead was a place where there was growth and healing even amidst the treacherous parts.


Today, Gilead Ministries brings the qualities of the land of Gilead to the lives of cancer and long term illness patients and their families.


In addition to the sickness and struggle cancer and life threatening disease brings the body of a patient, it often wounds the heart. When a person hears the word "cancer" from a medical professional, many life issues may begin to show up. These questions of the soul often cause doubt and reflection that, apart from their diagnosis, may not normally arise.


Our mission, to "Share the Journey" with cancer patients and long term illness patients, and their families, is accomplished in the following ways:


• A fresh stream encouragement that brings life to a heart parched by the stresses of fighting a life threatening disease or grief.


• Practical healing for the heart and soul through cards and telephone calls.


• Relief of some of the burdens of everyday life, providing help with projects around their home life.


• A connection to loving support, which helps the patient/family learn to grow through their experience.

What a fitting description, and a fitting name, Gilead. Providing emotional and practical support, a place for people to grow, heal, connect, be encouraged and serve.


Gilead is a place where you can serve and be served, inspiring you to live in grace in the midst of your challenges.


We believe there is something bigger than your cancer...


We believe there is hope...


A hope provided by a person...


Connect with us and let us share His Hope...


Let us "Share Your Journey."