Bill had this idea.
Could cancer patients and their families use someone to encourage them as they fought the disease?
Would someone benefit from a concerted group of people pouring into their life with consistent encouragment?
The answer...YES...
And so Gilead was born...
Bill is from Detriot, MI where he grew up just outside the city in Pontiac.
He and his wife, Angel, along with their two kids, Nathan and Breanna, moved to Grant County, IN in 1988.
Bill has served in many different segments of the population...
Paper boy
Retail in sales and stock work
Store management
Hiring and training employees
Youth Pastor
Deputy Coroner
Sheriff's Chaplain
Jail Ministry
Hospital Chaplain
Non-profit management
And as a friend told him years ago... "God will use all of the experiences you have had to give you everything you need for where he will take you."
And he has...
Bill loves what he does and uses every talent God has allowed him to learn over the years, all in one encourage patients and families in their darkest celebrate the victories when the disease is pushed grieve when the illness takes a final toll.
And he loves to love and encourage people.
Teresa wears many hats...
Church roles
Bible Study Leader
Helping lead this ministry.
Teresa was born in Philidelphia PA, and grew up as a PK (Pastor's Kid) of a Mennonite preacher.
She and her husband, Dave, have two children. Megan, who is the oldest. Ethan the youngest. Both attend Taylor University, which is Teresa and Dave's alma mater.
As someone who knows first hand what it's like to walk the journey with a family member who has cancer, she walked with her family as her mother battled cancer. Her mom passed as a result of that battle.
Her step-mom fought the disease as well, and most recently her father left this earth to be with those he loves, including his Savior.
Teresa knows firsthand the pain of loss and the struggle of the fight against cancer.
Teresa began her work at Gilead as a board member. She served as board President and VP numerous times.
It was her mother's death that catapulted her to a level of compassion that lead her to join the board of Gilead Ministries.
Then, in 2006, with God's direction and a burden to serve, Teresa joined the staff.
Her role as Assistant Director and Volunteer Coordinator allows her to not only impact lives through her own ministry to people, but replicate her
compassion, the driving force behind her relationship with Jesus.
Teresa loves people and it's evident in all she does.
Beth has walked a difficult path.
No one ever expects the road to wind the way it did in Beth's life.
Beth and her husband Mitch have two children Addision and Ashton. Both of which have been a joy to their lives.
They are the owners of Culligan Water, a family owned distributor of Culligan Water treatment equipment that helps families have better safer water at every tap.
Beth began her relationship with Gilead as a volunteer working the front desk.
Greeting and helping the people who came in or called was a true talent she possessed.
It was God's hand that allowed her to connect with Gilead, and no one could have guessed the power behind her presence as one of our best volunteers.
Her mom passed suddenly, her world was shaken and her heart was broken.
Just a little over a year later, her father would also pass and her world would be invaded by grief again.
Beth's journey through grief was hard, two parents gone in such a short time.
She found the support and encouragement among her friends at Gilead. They helped her to face each bleak day with someone she could cry with and someone she could talk to.
Through the valley of the shadow of death transformed Beth's life and faith.
Her heart is always reaching out to the many who step into her world, giving them a place they can find comfort as well.